How would you like to have one of your home brews on tap at BCBB? Just enter the annual Bull City Burger and Brewery Home Brew Competition (The BCBB-HBC) for a chance to make that dream come true! The winner’s recipe will be scaled to a seven barrel batch. When your beer is ready, we will invite you to pour a pint for you and 9 friends. Did we mention that you even get to help name the beer?* All entry fees go to the Durham, City of Moustache Movember team (The Prostate Cancer Foundation & Livestrong) helping to find a cure for prostate cancer and other men’s cancers.
*Beer name must be mutually agreeable to both BCBB and the home brewer. Date and time of the brew will depend on brewing schedule and ingredient availability. The winner covers all transportation, lodging and travel expenses to come to the restaurant to pour the first pint.
*Beer name must be mutually agreeable to both BCBB and the home brewer. Date and time of the brew will depend on brewing schedule and ingredient availability. The winner covers all transportation, lodging and travel expenses to come to the restaurant to pour the first pint.
•All entries must be dropped off at BCBB by 10 PM on Sunday September 17, 2017. Bottles entered after this deadline will be consumed, but not considered for the competition.
•Each entrant will be allowed 2 (two) different entries and must provide us with 2 (zwei) bottles per entry.
•Please include a $5 cash fee per entry. All entry fees will go to curing cancer or curing bacon. Actually,100% of the entry fee goes to the Movember Foundation.
•Bottles must be 12oz. in size and free of any distinguishing marks or labels (including fancy caps). Please no Grölsch-style swing tops or Champagne corked 750mL bottles. Bottles failing to meet these guidelines will be consumed, but not enjoyed.
•Please include a completed Beer ID form for all entries. ID forms can be downloaded at link. Attach the form to your bottles with a rubber band. Bring rubber bands, cover or original rubber bands welcome. Bottle ID Form
•All entries must be dropped off at BCBB by 10 PM on Sunday September 17, 2017. Bottles entered after this deadline will be consumed, but not considered for the competition.
•Each entrant will be allowed 2 (two) different entries and must provide us with 2 (zwei) bottles per entry.
•Please include a $5 cash fee per entry. All entry fees will go to curing cancer or curing bacon. Actually,100% of the entry fee goes to the Movember Foundation.
•Bottles must be 12oz. in size and free of any distinguishing marks or labels (including fancy caps). Please no Grölsch-style swing tops or Champagne corked 750mL bottles. Bottles failing to meet these guidelines will be consumed, but not enjoyed.
•Please include a completed Beer ID form for all entries. ID forms can be downloaded at link. Attach the form to your bottles with a rubber band. Bring rubber bands, cover or original rubber bands welcome. Bottle ID Form
Judging will be completely arbitrary and based on our own whims. Beers are not necessarily judged on meeting a specific style. Chunky, vinegary, skunky and off-smelling beers will be given to our competitors.
•First Place - Your beer brewed on our our system! Winner’s recipe will be scaled up and modified to fit our brewery. The winner will help name the brew and pour a pint of the winning beer for up to 9 friends. Plus the glory of it all and your name and beer at the bottom of this page.
•Second Place - The "Ooh, So Close" gift bag. Includes BCBB T-shirt, $25 gift card and 8 ounces of a hop we have in stock.
•Third Place - A very special t-shirt. It's very special because you get to wear it.
•All other entrants will receive a pint at regular cost and a hearty handshake.
Feel free to submit any beer you want, but please keep the following in mind.
We have one steadfast rule for this competition; no cheap adjuncts. No corn, no rice. We've got this thing against Big Corn and GMO's. And please, no bacterial infections, intentional or un-intentional. We don’t want an issue intestinal.
Here are some recommendations:
•The winning beer will be brewed using either our house ale or house lager strain. We recommend either a British Ale or a German Lager yeast strain be used in your sample brew.
•Limit "exotic" ingredients. A few strands of saffron may be all that you need to create the perfect pint, but at $2300 a pound we just might not be able to afford your recipe scaled up to our system.
•We may not be able to duplicate special techniques. We don't have a hopback to run wort through post-boil. We can't do decoction brews and prefer single infusion mashes. We can't drop red hot rocks on to a bed of spruce balms lining the bottom of the kettle for your Sahti.
•Beer in mind we may not be able to procure rare malts on a large scale or your uncle Louie’s fresh hops from his back yard.
Judging will be completely arbitrary and based on our own whims. Beers are not necessarily judged on meeting a specific style. Chunky, vinegary, skunky and off-smelling beers will be given to our competitors.
•First Place - Your beer brewed on our our system! Winner’s recipe will be scaled up and modified to fit our brewery. The winner will help name the brew and pour a pint of the winning beer for up to 9 friends. Plus the glory of it all and your name and beer at the bottom of this page.
•Second Place - The "Ooh, So Close" gift bag. Includes BCBB T-shirt, $25 gift card and 8 ounces of a hop we have in stock.
•Third Place - A very special t-shirt. It's very special because you get to wear it.
•All other entrants will receive a pint at regular cost and a hearty handshake.
Feel free to submit any beer you want, but please keep the following in mind.
We have one steadfast rule for this competition; no cheap adjuncts. No corn, no rice. We've got this thing against Big Corn and GMO's. And please, no bacterial infections, intentional or un-intentional. We don’t want an issue intestinal.
Here are some recommendations:
•The winning beer will be brewed using either our house ale or house lager strain. We recommend either a British Ale or a German Lager yeast strain be used in your sample brew.
•Limit "exotic" ingredients. A few strands of saffron may be all that you need to create the perfect pint, but at $2300 a pound we just might not be able to afford your recipe scaled up to our system.
•We may not be able to duplicate special techniques. We don't have a hopback to run wort through post-boil. We can't do decoction brews and prefer single infusion mashes. We can't drop red hot rocks on to a bed of spruce balms lining the bottom of the kettle for your Sahti.
•Beer in mind we may not be able to procure rare malts on a large scale or your uncle Louie’s fresh hops from his back yard.
Answers to Previously Submitted Questions (for real):
Q: Is it possible to get a slug of your house ale yeast to use in brewing a brew for entry?
A: We recommend using a pack of yeast from your home brew supply shop. Let's keep it fair for everyone.
Q: How do you u feel about honey? It is an adjunct - don't want to waste my time sending a disqualified beer...
A: Honey is okay to use. We would try to source a local honey if your entry wins, so maybe go with something close to home if you can.
Q: How do you feel about adjuncts other than corn or rice? Rye, oats, wheat/wheat malt, for example? They are generally regarded as adjuncts, but eliminating them bars brewers from entering wheat beers, wits, weizens, roggenbiers, oatmeal stouts, rye IPAs, et al.
A: We held a quorum and argued the pros and cons of wheat, rye, oats, etc over several hours and multiple pints. In the end we did rock, paper, scissors and then flipped a coin. These ingredients are legal for our competition. We use them in our beers too.
Q: Is the contest open to people not from NC? I'm from Richmond,VA but my girl friend lives in Chapel Hill, and I'm down your way almost every weekend?
A: Yes, it's open to everyone who home brews. Out-of-towners may need to show their allegiance to NC with a small sacrifice or bribing the judges to get a fair shake though.
Q: Should we submit our samples chilled?
A: You can submit the sample at any temperature you want, but we believe beer should always be held cold don't you think?
Q: I'm planning on submitting a beer, and was wondering if you'll be hosting any sort of event the day of the contest?
A: We probably will not be judging the beers the last day to enter. I think it might be best to have them all sit for a week under the same refrigeration, quiet and still, to keep things uniform. We will most likely try them in solitude at our private tasting facility which has filtered air vents, proper oxygen ratios, 4000 degree Kelvin light, perfectly white counter tops, comfortable chairs and sound proofing to 180 decibels. If we can't find the keys to that tasting room, then we will probably do it in the restaurant while it is closed.
Q: My wife, sister in law, and mother in law are gluten intolerant due to Celiac disease. Since you guys make your own gluten free buns, I was wondering if I could enter a gluten free home brew the competition... It is sorghum based.
A: I don't see us being able to reproduce a sorghum beer at this time. You are welcome to enter, but this may not be something we can offer to brew on a commercial scale. We purchase the gluten free buns from Udi’s in Colorado.
Q: Is it possible to get a slug of your house ale yeast to use in brewing a brew for entry?
A: We recommend using a pack of yeast from your home brew supply shop. Let's keep it fair for everyone.
Q: How do you u feel about honey? It is an adjunct - don't want to waste my time sending a disqualified beer...
A: Honey is okay to use. We would try to source a local honey if your entry wins, so maybe go with something close to home if you can.
Q: How do you feel about adjuncts other than corn or rice? Rye, oats, wheat/wheat malt, for example? They are generally regarded as adjuncts, but eliminating them bars brewers from entering wheat beers, wits, weizens, roggenbiers, oatmeal stouts, rye IPAs, et al.
A: We held a quorum and argued the pros and cons of wheat, rye, oats, etc over several hours and multiple pints. In the end we did rock, paper, scissors and then flipped a coin. These ingredients are legal for our competition. We use them in our beers too.
Q: Is the contest open to people not from NC? I'm from Richmond,VA but my girl friend lives in Chapel Hill, and I'm down your way almost every weekend?
A: Yes, it's open to everyone who home brews. Out-of-towners may need to show their allegiance to NC with a small sacrifice or bribing the judges to get a fair shake though.
Q: Should we submit our samples chilled?
A: You can submit the sample at any temperature you want, but we believe beer should always be held cold don't you think?
Q: I'm planning on submitting a beer, and was wondering if you'll be hosting any sort of event the day of the contest?
A: We probably will not be judging the beers the last day to enter. I think it might be best to have them all sit for a week under the same refrigeration, quiet and still, to keep things uniform. We will most likely try them in solitude at our private tasting facility which has filtered air vents, proper oxygen ratios, 4000 degree Kelvin light, perfectly white counter tops, comfortable chairs and sound proofing to 180 decibels. If we can't find the keys to that tasting room, then we will probably do it in the restaurant while it is closed.
Q: My wife, sister in law, and mother in law are gluten intolerant due to Celiac disease. Since you guys make your own gluten free buns, I was wondering if I could enter a gluten free home brew the competition... It is sorghum based.
A: I don't see us being able to reproduce a sorghum beer at this time. You are welcome to enter, but this may not be something we can offer to brew on a commercial scale. We purchase the gluten free buns from Udi’s in Colorado.
Previous Winners:
2011 - Phillip's Black IPA
2012 - Ryan's Peanut Butter Porter
2013 - Kevin's Hey Porter
2014 - Antonia's Chocolate Sunday Stout
2015 - Sue's Barrier Island Pale Ale
2016 - Matthew's Great Pyr American Style Pale Ale
2011 - Phillip's Black IPA
2012 - Ryan's Peanut Butter Porter
2013 - Kevin's Hey Porter
2014 - Antonia's Chocolate Sunday Stout
2015 - Sue's Barrier Island Pale Ale
2016 - Matthew's Great Pyr American Style Pale Ale
Eat Pasture-Raised Beef and Drink Freshly Brewed Beer!107 E. Parrish St. #105, Durham, NC 27701
Monday - Thursday 11:11 AM to 9:30 PM Friday and Saturday 11:11 AM to 10 PM Sunday 11:11 AM to 9 PM |
Part of the Pie Pan Family of Restaurants:
Bull City Solera and Taproom 4120 University Drive, Durham 27707
Bull City Solera and Taproom 4120 University Drive, Durham 27707